Sunday, August 14, 2011

Daddy's Very Proud Moment of the Week

We were very proud this weekend. And very surprised. L-kun asked Daddy for some paper, and then asked Mummy to help him cut out a circle... he then disappeared into the family room for a good number of minutes before calling out to Daddy again. When I came in, he was just putting the finishing touches to his latest creation.

"It's Daddy!" he said triumphantly.

I was quite (pleasantly) shocked. L-kun had cut out everything (except the head which he had some help with), glued it together, and then coloured it all in. Completely by himself. He's becoming quite the craftsman.

Of course I couldn't have been happier - though I admit that I laughed a little at L-kun's slightly disproportionate proportioning of my legs (at least I hope so). But who was I to complain that my 4yo hadn't quite got his lengths right when the rest was so fantastic. But then, he turned to me and said, bright eyed. "Look Daddy, you're hopping!"

Of course I was, bless his little soul... it was suddenly obvious. A hopping Daddy! It's times like these that you realise why it's all worth it.

Thank you L-kun. Thank you for the perfect weekend gift.


  1. How lovely! He's a little artist. Do you often hop?

  2. Not that I was aware of - other than the obvious characterisation of being hopping mad that is. Having said that, I wonder if I shouldn't perhaps be doing a little more hopping. Eating too much. BTW - hope your marathon training is going well.
