Saturday, January 22, 2011

Parcel Arrives...From the Candy Man?

One of the little surprises that occurs every now and then is that we receive little (and sometimes not so little) "care packages" from Japan. L-kun loves unwrapping these packages, even if sometimes he needs a little help. This particular package contained our annual supply of New Years good luck charms for our cars (below). These charms, known omamori, are purchased by T-chan's parents from Hokkaido Shrine every hatsumoude (first visit to shrine of the New Year). We put one in each of our cars - not that we're particularly superstitious people, but there's something sweet about thinking that these wishes for our safety follow us wherever we go.

Japanese have many of these customs and beliefs that they follow (often without thinking) - and they become like the traditional decorations in the fabric of their life. As a non-Japanese, I've come to enjoy adding these traditions to my life as well.

Now back to the package we received... well there weren't only charms in there. There was a little bag of something for L-kun (I mean, for all of us). A bag of Japanese marshmallows <insert mouth watering, tummy rumbling sounds here>.

Initially L-kun was all like, nani kore? (what's this)? He knew what it was, and was just pretending... such a dramatic young fella. Actually, these are wonderful sweets - individually wrapped and delicately flavoured.

Hmmm - first bite. Soft, light, melt-in-the-mouth....

Oooooh.... it has chocolate inside. Bikkurishita! (I'm surprised). Marshmallow + chocolate. Sugary heaven.

But the surprise wears off pretty quickly, and it's time for bite #2. And 3. Of course, you just can't stop at one (or at least T-chan and I couldn't).

Arigatou, Candy Man (ojiichan and obaachan) from everyone here... and from one sweet-toothed boy in particular.

P.S. The charms have already been swapped over. Protected (knock on wood) for another year.

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