Saturday, February 4, 2012

L-kun's Setsubun Adventure 2012

Note: For the observant amongst you... you might realise that L-kun's actually fighting off a tengu (rather than oni)... one of the many elements of poetic licence available when you export a tradition overseas, and when you don't have an oni mask.

Hope you enjoyed your setsubun, 3rd February, wherever you are, and however many oni you had to fight off!


  1. This is brilliant! I'm still waiting for the beans, no one was home last night!

    1. Thanks again Sarahf... all good things come to those that wait, or those that go out and buy them! Hope you have better luck tonight (even if it's a day late)!

  2. The sixth picture is excellent, and the last one funny!

  3. Thanks Murajev... it was actually playing around on the 6th img that interested me to do this series. Something different.

  4. Ben this is so CooooooL! I love the way you did this post Manga-style! I wish I had the tech savvy to make my pictures and posts more interesting...I'm still trying to figure out how to do a watermark (or whatever it's called) on my pics. But I love you mind if I link it to my setsubun post. I must admit that this year I couldn't muster up a whole lot of gumption for a decent post. Nice job!

  5. Sorry Angie, have been very remiss at not checking my comments (lots of preparation for baby arrival - and my wife's parents arrival which we hope will be earlier!). Of course I don't mind you using any linking to my posts... though I'm a bit late in answering. Setsubun has well and truly passed for the year (but there's always next year hehehe).

    As for the tech savvy stuff - I'm not at all tech savvy. However, I have a slightly curious personality and like trying different things (sometimes). This style was largely just me messing around in Photoshop Elements... but I liked what I saw and got the idea for something a little different.

    As for gumption - I still liked your post - and the vid of the maiko dances in Yasaka Jinja (and the irony of the dance for spring in the middle of the snow-falling... beautiful). I hope people check it out at here.
